
ACRS has four distinct areas of business


Our approach is laser guided as each transaction has its own unique idiosyncrasies.

Over the last twenty years ACRS Capital has curated an extensive network of investors spanning Arab Royal families, European entrepreneurs, Asian tycoons, Wall Street and Mayfair based funds and sovereign institutions – and everything in between. Each of these sophisticated investors have different criteria and investment philosophies. ACRS’ relationships are our bedrock. These relationships are real and long lasting. We will show only the best projects to a small and tailored selection of our network, with each opportunity only shown according to the exact risk mitigated criteria that we know an ACRS Capital investor like to see in a potential opportunity.

Originating Real
Estate Assets​

Far from being simply a vanilla placement agent, ACRS Capital itself has experience at the highest level possible on the buy side.

This long and varied background as an investor allows ACRS Capital to screen out only deals that have passed through the stringent gates we have set for ourselves to be comfortable reaching out to an investor with. This unearthing and unlocking of deals and risk mitigation is ACRS Capital’s secret sauce.

We have a vast network of agents, contacts, vendors, connectors and friends, who together with our own legwork allow us to unearth and screen out the selected assets which we like to transact on. ​

Co-investing Using ACRS’
Own Proprietary Investment Capital​

ACRS capital only ever gives time, attention and work to deals we would consider doing ourselves. So, when our client allows us to, ACRS capital likes to use its own proprietary capital to co-invest alongside its network of partners in real estate transactions.

We like to have our own skin in the game.

Cross Border Infrastructure
& Construction Consultancy

ACRS Capital has extensive experience working in challenging, frontier and emerging markets such as Kazakhstan Mongolia, Cuba, China, India, Myanmar and across the GCC where the potential returns are far higher than in developed countries.

In the past this has been predominantly in making high governmental level business consultancy services and introductions to top level Chinese state owned enterprises (SOEs) as part of the Belt & Road Initiative.
In addition to this, ACRS Capital has provided nation level introductory services for investors looking to develop infrastructure and asset backed real estate as well as invest in private equity style opportunities.



ACRS Capital are particularly active in the luxury hotel and leisure space and our sweet spot lies in expertise arranging financing for 40-250 room hotel acquisitions, disposals and redevelopments, preferably in gateway cities in Europe and in European high end tourist hot spots. 



In a world where investors are chasing yield ACRS Capital will look across the spectrum of freehold assets property classes. Our preferred bitesize is in the $15 – $150m region. 



Typically in order to deliver an infrastructure deal, ACRS Capital look at deals with a total contract value (TCV) of $500m+ and these must come with a long term sovereign guarantee on the energy / resource offtake or on the finance package. 

acrs logo website coming soon

ACRS Captial LLC
International Free Zone Authority
Dubai Silicon Oasis
United Arab Emirates


Office +44(0) 208 133 1982
UAE +971(0) 551 69 60 31



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